TBDBITL has stellar performance in 'One Giant Leap' halftime show

The Ohio State University Marching Band put on a stellar show Saturday night, wowing the Ohio Stadium crowd with its "One Giant Leap" tribute to the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.
The evening's festivities began with "Fanfare for the Common Man," a classic composition by Aaron Copland. The band marched slowly in a waving U.S. flag formation.
Things kicked into high gear during part two of the show as the band played "Jupiter" from "The Planets" by Gustav Holst. The band began part two with a shooting star formation before morphing into a "space race" where a Soviet Union rocket was overtaken by an American rocket. Part two concluded with a blastoff of a Saturn V rocket with fire extinguishers representing the rocket's exhaust.
During part three of the show, the band played songs from "The Right Stuff," the 1983 motion picture about the early days of spaceflight. On the field, TBDBITL depicted an astronaut performing a spacewalk, the lunar module (LM) landing on the moon and an astronaut planting an American flag into the moon.
Part four saw the mission return to Earth with songs from movies "The First Man" and "Apollo 13" playing. The band formed the Columbia capsule drifting safely back down to earth while tethered to a parachute.
The night concluded with "The Stars and Stripes Forever," the United States' national march. TBDBITL was joined on the field by more than 70 piccolo players representing the Ohio State School of Music's past and present. Making patriotic stars on the field, the band also surprised fans with two blasts of fireworks as they spelled out "1 SMALL STEP" and "1 GIANT LEAP", echoing astronaut Neil Armstrong's first words on the moon.
Fans can watch the full halftime show below.