Rick Marsh (OSUMB drum major 1956) was a tough competitor and was known for his brilliance on and off the field. On the field he was recognized for his dazzling aerials and excellent baton control. In high school, Marsh was an impressive drum major. He stood tall in front of the Bexley High School Band (Columbus, Ohio) during the 1954 and 1955 seasons. A year later he served as the assistant drum major for OSUMB under a fellow Bexley graduate George Souder.
Marsh became the drum major in 1956. He was knowledgeable of the tryout conditions, trained hard and won by a good margin.
Off the field he was recognized for outstanding leadership and scholarship. Marsh attained superior records while at the OSU Law School, was 1/2 point from first in the state on bar exams and became a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Marsh has continued to demonstrate his dedication through his Law practice and community activities.