Tryouts Registration Now Open for 2016

June 1, 2016

Tryouts Registration Now Open for 2016

Script Ohio

Tryouts registration for the 2016 season of The Ohio State University Marching Band is now open.

Tryouts will be held over two days, from August 14-15. Those who have never been a member of the OSUMB are also required to attend candidate training days from August 12-13. Learn more about tryouts.

While the OSUMB is an all-brass-and-percussion ensemble, there are plenty of opportunities for woodwind players at Ohio State — including in the Athletic Band and in other bands in the School of Music. It is also not uncommon for a woodwind players to practice a secondary brass or percussion instrument over the summer and try out in August.

Still unsure about taking the next step? Just show up to one of our optional Summer Sessions rehearsals to meet our new and returning candidates, squad leaders and staff and to learn our music and marching fundamentals. You won’t regret it!