TBDBITL siblings: Ryan and Jeremy Parr

For both Ryan and Jeremy Parr, marching band wasn’t exactly an instant passion. Despite being a few years apart in age, the brothers have similar stories of how they came to genuinely love marching band and Ohio State.
The brothers both played in their school’s band in middle school and, after some convincing, in high school. For Ryan, his passion for band didn’t come until high school. When he got to Ohio State and decided to try out for TBDBITL, that passion only increased.
“When I got to Ohio State, I didn't try out for band because I thought I wasn't good enough and I didn't know anything about the tryout process,” said Ryan, a fourth-year flugelhorn player. “But I decided to try out for band my sophomore year. I stayed in Columbus for the whole summer following my freshman year, staying with my friends Paige and Emily, who offered their couch, and went to all the Summer Sessions. I then made the band in C-Row and have been in it for four years.”
Jeremy also didn’t become incredibly devoted to marching band until high school. When he saw how much fun his brother was having with the OSUMB, he was determined to become a part of it, too.
Jeremy and Ryan with their family on a game day
“I enjoyed four years of marching band as well as many other musical ensembles (in high school) while getting to watch Ryan march in TBDBITL,” said Jeremy, a first-year trumpet player. “Seeing his experiences made me realize that I wanted to try out, too. After going to Summer Sessions throughout this past summer, I made the band in T-Row this year.”
Both brothers agree that their favorite band memory was when Jeremy’s and Ryan’s names were both called on Make the Band Night this past August.
“One of my favorite band memories was Make the Band Night this year when both my brother’s name and my name were called,” Ryan said. “Being a squad leader, I heard the list before the rest of the band, and seeing my brother’s face go from pure terror to elation was something I'll never forget.”
Ryan graduated this December with a degree in sociology, but plans return to TBDBITL for a final season in 2017. Although the brothers have only been together in the OSUMB for a season, it was enough time to make many exceptional memories.
“Being in band with my brother has been awesome because we have never been in a band together,” Jeremy said. “Sharing the experiences and memories we have is something we'll never forget.”