TBDBITL siblings: Kyle and Ryan Kuebler

When Ryan Kuebler told his rowmates that he had a twin in the Ohio State Marching Band, it drew a variety of confused and humorous responses.
“Telling my rowmates I had a twin was never the first thing that came to mind when talking, but it was always funny when people found out,” Ryan said.
Being in different rows, the brothers rarely interact while with the band. Kyle, Ryan’s senior by two hours and 10 minutes, plays trombone in F-Row, while Ryan spends his time playing cymbals in J-Row.
“Being in different rows and playing different instruments keeps us apart often when band activities are going on,” Kyle said. “But it is nice to know that he is there sharing in the total band experience.”
The brothers, both third years in the band, first picked up instruments in the fifth grade. Kyle has always played the trombone, while Ryan has experimented with a variety of percussion instruments.
When it came time to decide on a college, both brothers had their hearts set on following in the footsteps on their parents and attending Ohio State. After attending the Newark campus for a year, they moved to the Columbus campus and earned spots in TBDBITL.
Together, they have shared many incredible moments that come with being part of the OSUMB.
“In just three short years we have already been to a National Championship, a trip to London, England, and to the Fiesta Bowl,” Kyle said. “The opportunities that this band has given us are above what we expected, and it has been great to share it together.”
Both Ryan and Kyle are set to graduate in December with degrees in communication and geographic information systems, respectively. Along with their degrees, they will leave Ohio State with a myriad of great memories.
“Being in this band, I have always had someone that will mostly agree with me and be there to help remind me if I have my uniform before leaving our apartment for game day,” Ryan said. “My brother has literally been with me my entire life, and I couldn’t see doing this again without him.”

Kyle (left), a trombone player and geographic information systems major, and Ryan (right), a cymbals player and communication major.