TBDBITL siblings: Cody and Cory Faist

While hundreds of siblings have come through the Ohio State Marching Band throughout its history, it is unlikely that two brothers have ever been in KL-Row playing sousaphone at the same time.
That is, until Cory and Cody Faist showed up.
“According to the band photographers, there have not been any siblings in the sousaphone section since at least the late 1960s,” said Cody, an engineering major. “So there is a possibility that Cory and I are the first brothers in KL-Row at the same time. That’s pretty neat.”
Cory, a fifth-year member in the band, and Cody, a second-year, started playing music in fifth grade, but it wasn’t until high school that older brother Cory picked up the sousaphone.
Cory always had his heart set on being a member of TBDBITL, but Cody didn’t have any interest in trying out until his brother made the squad. Once he saw his brother in the full uniform, he knew that it was something he had to be a part of.
“I thought it was so cool that he was in the best marching band in the country and thought that I should consider doing it too,” Cody said. “My goal became making the band with my brother in KL-Row the first time I tried out so I could be on the field when he had his single Script Ohio i-dot.”

Cody and Cory Faist with their parents on a game day
Cody switched to sousaphone his junior year of high school and attended the OSUMB’s summer sessions in preparation for his tryout freshman year.
The hard work was well worth it when Cody made the band, securing the opportunity for the Faist brothers to share the field when Cory dotted the “i.”
The experience of sharing the field while Cory dotted the “i” was an emotional experience for both brothers. For Cory, being able to share this incredible OSUMB tradition with his brother is something he’ll never forget.
“Dotting the ‘i’ is incredible. Doing it with your best friends on the field makes it even more so. Doing it with your brother on the field, there is nothing like it,” said Cory, a mathematics major. “Doing it with the knowledge your brother could be dotting the ‘i’ a few years later, nobody else has experienced that as far as I know. I'm very thankful for what we were able to do together.”