TBDBITL siblings: Abby and Kayla Duncan

It’s not uncommon for a younger sibling to look up to their older brother or sister. It’s a rare opportunity, however, that this admiration can be taken to the field.
Abby and Kayla Duncan are trumpet players in X-Row and A-Row, respectively. Abby is a first-year band member, while Kayla is a fourth-year who is coming to the end of her OSUMB experience.
Despite only being in the band together for a season, both sisters describe the experience as incredibly gratifying.
“Watching Abby experience her first year in the band has been extremely rewarding for me,” said Kayla, a human development and family science major. “She’s getting so many opportunities, and I know what she has ahead of her, and I have loved seeing her grow into an independent adult over the last few months.”

Kathy (1983-1987), Abby (2016), Kayla (2013-2016) and John (1981-1985) Duncan
For Abby, witnessing her sister act as a leader and mentor is inspiring and has resulted in a lot of special moments.
“Being able to watch my sister lead out ramp has been the most rewarding experience for me,” said Abby, a music major. “I have always looked up to her, and watching her lead as A1 has just amazed me even more. I love seeing all of her hard work pay off, and I'm so proud to call her my sister.”
Kayla and Abby started playing trumpet when they each reached the fifth grade. Their parents had both played trumpet in the OSUMB and inspired the sisters to take up music and try out for TBDBITL.
Although they have only been together in the OSUMB for a short time, Kayla and Abby have created enough memories to last long after they leave Ohio State.
From Abby’s “Make the Band” night, to Kayla leading Abby’s first ramp entrance and sharing the field with their parents at the alumni game, the sisters have cherished every moment.
“Being in band with Kayla has made these memories that much better, because Kayla is also my best friend, and sharing an experience like this with her has meant a lot to me,” Abby said. “As we get into our adult lives, we will always be able to look back at these special moments. I really loved having Kayla by my side to get me through my rookie year, and, although next year will be different without her, I am forever grateful to have shared band with her.”