Ohio State Marching and Athletic Bands help Honor Flight Columbus salute senior veterans

Konner Barr is used to getting attention due to his role as assistant drum major in The Ohio State University Marching Band, but when a veteran approached him at an Honor Flight “Welcome Home” event, he felt that he had to return the favor.
“One veteran came up to me and thanked us for coming out and playing, and I responded with a simple, ‘no, thank you,’ and he gave me a firm handshake,” Barr, a communication major, said. “It wasn't much, but it really makes you appreciate what these veterans did for our country.”
Barr is one of the many Ohio State Marching and Athletic Band members that volunteer to participate in Honor Flight Columbus’ “Welcome Home” events, where veterans are greeted upon their return from Washington D.C. by volunteers, loved ones and, in some cases, the Marching Band.
Honor Flight Columbus is a nonprofit organization that provides senior veterans from World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War with the opportunity to see war memorials in the nation’s capital at no cost to them.
The trip is meant to honor veterans for their service and give them the homecoming they may have never received.
The Marching and Athletic Bands have helped give veterans a warm welcome for over five years, entertaining returning veterans and their loved ones with classic Ohio State hits, patriotic tunes and branch songs.
Honor Flight Columbus Volunteer Coordinator Cindy Kanwar said that the band's presence at the event is a significant part of the experience for both the veterans and those waiting to greet them.
“If you could see the veteran's faces when they are told at the gate that the Ohio State band is here … They light up,” Kanwar said. “I have told many people about the ‘Welcome Home’ (and) when I tell them that (the Ohio State band) is going to be there, they say that they definitely will be there. The feeling is that if it is important enough for (the Ohio State band) … it is must be important.”
Director of Marching and Athletic Bands Christopher Hoch echoed the sentiment, knowing firsthand how much of an impact the Honor Flight and “Welcome Home” event can have on a senior veteran.
“My grandfather, a World War II veteran, had the opportunity to go on an Honor Flight, and he said it was one of the most meaningful experiences of his life,” Hoch said. “I’m always proud to attend these celebrations, and I’m always proud when our band students can help honor our veterans.”