2018 Spring Game Schedule

With weather impacting the schedule surrounding the 2018 LiFESports Spring Game and Ohio State vs. Michigan men’s lacrosse game, the Ohio State Athletic Band has adjusted its planned pregame and halftime performances. All performances are subject to change.
Friday, April 13
Ohio State vs. Michigan men’s lacrosse
7 p.m.
The Athletic Band will perform the national anthem from the south stands.
The Athletic Band will perform “To the Rescue!” — its spring field show originally planned for halftime of the spring game. This superheroes-themed show features music from Justice League, The Incredibles, Man of Steel and Batman.
Saturday, April 14
Ohio State LiFESports Spring Game
11:45 a.m.
The Athletic Band will perform a brief pregame show on the field, including the national anthem.
Weather permitting, the Athletic Band will again perform its halftime show, “To the Rescue!” If the band is able to perform, it will face the east side of Ohio Stadium given C-deck seat reductions on the west side due to stadium construction.